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How to Head the Soccer Ball
Proper Heading Technique

How to Head the Soccer Ball

A lot of players don't know the proper way to head a soccer ball using the right technique, and most players make one of two most common mistakes; closing their eyes or hitting the soccer ball with the top part of the head having no control over where the ball goes and even worse, leaving the game with a headache :(

Using the right technique will develop the players skill of heading a soccer ball with accuracy and power through training and repetition.

There are a few basic soccer heading training drills that players can use to get better at heading the soccer ball, defensively or offensively.

So how to head the soccer ball for beginners should be focused on developing the right technique by learning to head the soccer ball with the hardest part of the head, forehead :)

Good way to practice how to head a soccer ball for beginners is by actually holding the ball in your hands and bringing it towards your forehead while keeping your eyes on the ball and make a slight impact on the ball with your forehead using your core (abs) for power.

Best way to practice using this beginner soccer heading method is to try and hit the ball with the lower part of your forehead, right above the bridge of your nose.

Another great way to learn how to head a soccer ball is by juggling the ball with your head to develop the touch on the ball as well as the habit to keep your eyes open and on the ball :)

Head juggling with a friend is a great way to have fun, develop the heading touch on the ball and use the right technique in heading a soccer ball by passing the ball back and forth in the air using only your head; see how many times you can head the soccer ball to each other before it falls on the ground :)

Going to the park and having someone cross the soccer ball for a header on goal is a great way to practice how to head the soccer ball with power and accuracy while learning to use the proper soccer heading technique and forcing it into a habit.

The biggest reason players have trouble with heading the soccer ball is the fear of getting hit in the nose, which happens if you close your eyes and let the ball hit you :(

Reality is that if you attack the ball and use the right technique to head the soccer ball, your head will not hurt and you will be able to aim where you want your header to go.

How to Head a Soccer Ball for Beginners

-Keep your eyes on the soccer ball, close your mouth and clench your teeth (to avoid accidental tongue bite) as you are getting ready to head the soccer ball.

-Attack the flying ball by going towards it and opening your body up to the flight of the ball.

-As you jump in the air make sure that you use your arms to protect yourself from the opposing players by simply lifting them up to shoulder height and tucking your chin in towards your chest.
-Keep your eyes on the ball and teeth clenched as you are about to head the soccer ball, making sure that as you make the impact on the ball, you are looking where you want to head the soccer ball (on target or away from the danger zone).

-Get the power on the header coming from your abs by moving your whole torso back and than kind of like a slingshot, you will want to snap your upper torso forward keeping your shoulders back and arms spread to protect yourself.

-Always keep your eyes on the ball and know your surroundings.      

How to head the soccer ball properly is different in defense and offense.

Attacking players trying to score goals will always want to try hitting the soccer ball in the top part of the ball. This type of soccer header will go down and into the ground making it a lot more difficult for the goalkeeper to save, because of the bounce :) 

Defending players trying to clear the ball will want to try hitting the lower part of the ball causing the ball to go up in the air and away, giving the defense a chance to get organized. 

I hope you find this article helpful in learning how to head the soccer ball.

Practice and repetition is the ONLY way to get better at heading the soccer ball so get out there and practice :)

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