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Chest Trapping in Soccer

Chest trapping in Soccer is something that you don't use often because you mostly trap and play with your feet.

There are few occasions during the game for that special goal or taking control of the ball in defense by chest trapping the soccer ball and bringing it under control so its very good to be comfortable with chesting the soccer ball down and taking control of it without the ball bouncing off your chest and away from control.

There are several different ways to chest trap a soccer ball but all of them follow the same soccer trapping fundamentals which are opening the body up and cushioning the soccer ball by leaning back a little just as the ball is about to make impact.

When the ball is in flight and about to make impact with your chest, slowly exhale so that your chest will form a trapping cradle by emptying the air out of your lungs.

Epic Soccer Training videos are a great resource if you would like to become a better soccer player through hard work and training using the right techniques as explained by Matt Smith in his Epic Soccer Training program, as seen in the chest trapping in soccer video below. 

Chesting a soccer ball may be hard for some players and you may be one of the players that puts his/her chest out as the ball is coming to you causing the soccer ball to bounce off the chest as if it had hit a wall.

The video below by Matt Smith is a must watch for any player out there that wants to learn how to chest trap the soccer ball as it gives the right technique to trapping a soccer ball.

Only practice, repetition and games using the right soccer techniques will make a player better at chest trapping in soccer... practice hard, play with passion and you will be able to master any soccer skill :)

Receiving the soccer ball with your chest is something that is learned through practice, games and repetition just like any other soccer skill that you may want to improve.

Trapping a soccer ball that is in flight and coming at you should be done correctly by applying these techniques for trapping a soccer ball.



1. Open up the body and position it behind the flight of the ball, bending your knees slightly.

2. Elbows and arms should be spread at a 90 degree angle and used for protection from the opposing players...

Elbows and arms play a big part in soccer and should always be up protecting the ball and the space around you, especially when the ball is in your possession.

Putting your arms and elbows up will protect you from a lot of tackles as defenders will not stab at the ball when youre protecting the ball with your arm or elbow up :)

3. As the ball is coming in try to keep your shoulders and hips square to the ball and just as the ball is about to make impact with your chest, lean back and exhale to absorb the impact of the soccer ball.

Using these techniques will make it easier to trap the soccer ball with your chest, everything else comes with practice and applying these techniques :))

Once the player is comfortable with chesting the soccer ball and bringing it under control with ease, he/she can than start to practice volleying a chested ball.

This technique is really important for the forward players that find themselves with little time for a shot on goal because of pressure from the defenders, performing a chested volley is both quick and spectacular if it is performed in succession.

You will use the same technique as explained above except for one little difference.

Staying square with the soccer ball and leaning back as the ball is about to hit the players chest, instead of exhaling to cushion the ball, the player will want to inhale and pop the chest up or towards the soccer ball... if done correctly the ball will pop up and drop right in front of the player for a volley.

All thats left to do is set your feet and one time volley the ball towards the goal. 

Another great advantage of learning to chest the soccer ball is that you are able to change direction with the ball instantly by using your chest to guide the ball left or right and into a goal scoring opportunity.

Using the chest to redirect the incoming pass is the easiest way to fool the defenders and get into empty space.

This is done by moving the chest and opening the body up into the side you would like to go as the ball is approaching... if done correctly the player will deflect the ball to the side he/she is turning and will just have to follow up with a good first touch into empty space and away from pressure.

Remember that practice doesn't make you perfect but it makes you better. Wanting to be better is the hunger for what makes great soccer players.

With a list of tips and a video on how to chest trap a soccer ball, no more excuses, but more practice :)

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