Free Soccer Drills and Info

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Football Warm Up Exercises Without BallWarm Up Without Ball - ZIG ZAG RUN


Football warm up exercises without ball are used to prepare players body for a game or training session.

Soccer players find this warm up soccer drill fun and entertaining.

There is no soccer ball involved, and this soccer drill is intended to get the players core temperature up, trough running and agility.


  • Players will line up in a single file line with about 1 yard/meter of space in between them.
  • Players will start jogging in a single file line keeping the same 1 yard/meter of space from the player in front of them.
  • As the players jog around the field, player in the back of the line will start to accelerate and take over players in front of him/her by zig zagging, or side stepping, all the players in front of him/her to get to the front of the line.
  • Now a new player will be the last player in the line so he/she will do the same thing, and zig zag around the teammates in front of him/her to get to the front of the line.
  • Eventually the player that started in front of the line will find himself in the back of the line having to do the same zig zagging around the players that are now in front of him to get back to the front.
  • If the whole field is not available players can work on the half field, or any other open space.
  • Split up into groups of 5 - 6 players if needed. 

Football Warm Up Exercises
Coaching Points

  • Alternate the tempo and speed in which this soccer drill is done.
  • If there are only 4-6 players doing the drill, it is OK for the player coming from the back of the line to completely reach the front before the new player in the back starts his/her run.
  • However, when there are more than 10 players doing this soccer drill, players in the back of the line should start their run right after the player doing zig zags has gone around 2-3 players in front of him/her.
  • Players can compete with each other, as they try to catch up to the player in front of them…
  • When this warm up drill is performed correctly, it leads to flawless execution with players running constantly from the back, to the front of the line.
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Soccer Warm Up Drills and Games